Fresh skin?
Snakes shed their skin every so often. This is a normal process that generally happens once a month for growing Pit's. For adults they may shed less often since they aren't growing as much. Depending on how much you feed could change how often your snake will shed.
Being in the blue is something we say in the industry. When a snake is going into the shed their eyes will go blue, which is where the saying comes from. Their eyes will go blue and then slightly opaque until they eventually go back to being clear at which point they should shed in a couple days.
Occasionally your pit may need a little extra help getting some stuck shed off. I'm referring to when they shed but a few pieces may still be sticking to them, an easy fix is to give them a soak in a tub- this works great for Pits that are small enough still to fit in deli cups. I usually use a 32oz (punched) cup and fold a paper towel in the bottom and put some warmish water in and let the snake soak for a couple hours. Generally they will get it off themselves within that time.
If your Pit is too big for deli cups then an easy way to help them shed is by picking them up and gently peeling the stuck shed off of them. It is easy to do this at a sink with running water- make it a little warm and it should help loosen the shed enough to peel right off. I do emphasize being gentle with this process!